James Hazlett Foreman

What it’s like to have a brain tumor

HERE HE GOES AGAIN, writing about his brain tumor. Yeah, deal with it. When I really get into it, I really get into it. Telling the story, I mean. It’s a worst case scenario. It’s the last thing you want your doctor to say to you. I have not written extensively about my experience, because […]

Boltcutters, Love, Relationships, Me

Author’s note: what you are about to read is heavily redacted from the version originally written. Sober but drunk on the exposure to a creative genius, I unspooled like a ball of yarn and wrote everything down. I have those thoughts, still, and it accounts for at least double what follows, but removed and put […]


What this newsletter will not include is a discussion of Black Lives Matter or the protests currently happening across the world. I spent the week shutting up and listening, and increasing my understanding. I absolutely believe that Black Lives Matter, and all that statement implies. It is not my place to talk about the Black […]