My name is James Hazlett Foreman. I am a writer and marketing professional with big feelings and a website.

I have thought a lot about what an About Me page should be and what it should have on it. This is partly because it’s my day job, but also because I go to a lot of writer’s websites. Here’s what I want to read when I go there:
I was raised in Wheeling, West Virginia. My mom is a painter and my dad was a lawyer. I have 5 siblings. I live in Pittsburgh with my cat.
Okay, that’s out of the way.
Most of this website is either a home for my writing or about my writing in its various forms. I have been writing fiction for many years, though only a little bit was published. I have big feelings about that.
As of the writing of this page (September, 2024), I’m trying to find my voice again.
This page is what I have started calling a Digital Nest. It’s a page on the internet that acts as a home — a home page, if you will. This is an old idea, obviously, but one that was taken from us by Silicon Valley and its putrid offspring, social media. Let’s bring it back.