James Hazlett Foreman

A Note About Names

My name is James Hazlett Foreman. That’s the name I was given by my parents, though I suspect my mother had more to do with it than my father. I say this not because of a lack of fatherly interest in child-rearing but because of a great deal of interest in names on the part […]

More on Writing: My Process

Yeah, I’m throwing another one of these at you this soon. So what? You got a problem with that? Only 3/4 of you even opened the last one so I don’t even feel bad about it. I wrote most of this the other day, not today, but it is an accurate guide to my headspace […]

Pamphlet 10: “Name”

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER 10: NAME In modern American culture, names are assigned by our parents shortly after we’re born. We don’t get a say in it at first, but we can always change […]

Pamphlet 9: "The Moon"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER 9: THE MOON The moon is a big, gray disk in the night sky that gets smaller and smaller until it looks like a clipped toenail right before disappearing completely. […]

Pamphlet 8: "Brain"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER SEVEN: BRAIN If you know me, you know why I picked this noun to begin my first pamphlet in almost exactly a year (the last pamphlet was distributed on July […]

Pamphlet 7: "Coffee"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER SIX: COFFEE The most important beverage in my life is one that I am also very addicted to. I get cranky headaches if I don’t have it. I’m grumpy before […]

Pamphlet 6: Food

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER SIX: FOOD This is the first issue of the new year, the sixth issue total and the first in a new series. I’m going to be trying some new things […]

BROADSIDE: "An Anniversary of Being Born"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” BROADSIDE: AN ANNIVERSARY OF BEING BORN The term “broadside,” in the context of printing, comes from the pre-newspaper method of delivering information to the public. News was printed on a single side […]

Pamphlet 5: "Fire"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER FIVE: FIRE Burn a log in a fireplace. The light and heat is a mirror of the activity on the surface of the sun. Energized oxygen locks into place with […]

Pamphlet 4: "Love"

⚡️Mr. Foreman’s Amazing Electric Ephemera⚡️ “Guaranteed to take no longer to be read than takes a single cup of coffee to be drunk.” PAMPHLET NUMBER FOUR: “LOVE” The word “love” can mean a lot of things, but there’s not enough room in this little letter to cover more than a few, or even more than […]