A stirring likeness created by my friend Katie Crawford

A stirring likeness created by my friend Katie Crawford


A hammer always wants a nail; I wanted a website

This site was created using SquareSpace. The fonts used are Adobe Utopia for the headers and Futura for the body. Every single design decision made on this page was carefully considered, except for the ones that weren’t. Most of the site was created on an iPad Pro, if you can believe it. There’s an old photographer’s saying that the best camera is the one you have with you. I think that could apply to a lot of the technology we use.

I have a lot of opinions about what tools are best for what jobs, and I picked SquareSpace for the development of the site over other options for a number of reasons. I won’t tell you why unless you want to talk about it, in which case, click the link at the bottom.

I can also use any style guide you have, and I know most of the big ones already. Some pages on this site are Chicago Style, some are AP, and some are a pidgin of many others. Every project has its own needs!

In addition to the avatar by Katie, the cover photo of me on the helicopter was taken by the amazing Dave Holzemer.